Where the future begins...
Vitality Palace
Who – Mina Omarzai and William Roelofs are global citizens with ambition. We represent the developments in the field of vitality. The vital human being, a vital creation, with opportunities for everyone to lead a happy life. The initiators have chosen the Netherlands as the beating heart of the Vitality movement worldwide.
We believe that... the earth is vital when the collective lives energetically and physically in balance
Why and what
Why – Humanity faces major challenges when it comes to sustainability, innovation & transition. The use of air, soil, water, light and energy has undergone major changes. Green is trend, but only its reality in its true expression has future. Knowledge and cooperation is crucial. Vitality Palace combines intelligence in which the Netherlands 2.0 is leading. Green and sustainability are made public with catchy examples that make the impact of the green economy subject.
What – Vaitality Palace contains impact to a new and sustainable world, where vitality oriented topics are demonstrated. Everything becomes vital. Vital people, vital companies, vital countries that work closely together in a vital and prosperous economy worldwide.
How and effect
How – The activities of Vitality Palace are multidisciplinary and consist of:
- financing new business and charities
- organizing fairs, seminars & events
- showrooms (events) innovations, developments worldwide
- research & development
- education, excursions
Effect – Vitality Palace’s activities will stimulate the following sectors:
- green innovation
- sustainability
- circular economy
- cooperation on green initiatives at home and abroad
- innovative knowledge and education
- tourism, recreation
- employment opportunities
- nature and environment
Earth's future is our collective responsibility
Vitality Palace Potential
The Vitality Palace has the potential to achieve its intended goal of becoming the greenest heart of the world in the foreseeable future.
Vitality Palace will be the ultimate example of a sustainable future that is energy-neutral and self-sufficient through techniques such as geothermal energy, efficient heat storage, energy recovery from heating and cooling techniques. Respect for nature and an eye for details, people and animals brought into balance with their natural environment. The object and surrounding park area will also be accessible to the disabled, deaf, blind and visually impaired.
where the future begins...
What does Vitality Palace bring to the city
Vitality Palace will be the central location for innovations in the green economy through activities, events and business developments. The worldwide attention to these subjects consolidates networks, knowledge and the public that would like to use the facilities of such a complex. All this together in a unique place in the Netherlands. This means that the municipality is that city can expect a lot of worldly attention in addition to employment, with the emergence of new green-oriented economies worldwide from this location. This municipality will be the leader in green economy and an example in the transition as it is applied on a global scale.